Friday, March 5, 2010


Anyone for exercises in self-indulgence? Looking back at pictures of myself over the past year or so, I felt (not for the first time) that my personal style was grossly misrepresented. Over and over again I appear in the same grey American Eagle cardigan and skinny jeans. Yes, I wore that cardigan a lot. But when I look in my closet, only about ten percent of the clothes I own have ever been photographed on me.
I've been intrigued by minute documentation of seeming mundane daily details since I discovered the book "Everything I Ate" by Tucker Shaw. So, in an effort only for myself, and only because I am interested in being able to look back someday at what I was wearing, when, and why, I present this blog.
Also, I just discovered The Sartorialist.

First day of sandals this year! It was warm enough in February, but I couldn't mentally justify it. March is a little better.

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