Gap sweater from Labels consignment, Buffalo Exchange jeans bleached by me, Goodwill scarf, H&M shoes |
I'm writing this post from my living room couch with a big snuggly kitty in my lap. In fact, most of what I do at home these days (read, watch Netflix, surf the internet, sleep) is done in the company of said kitty. His name is Moshi, and we took him in from someone in town that couldn't take care of him anymore. He's been here for about a month now, and becomes more of a lap kitty every day, which suits Joe and I just fine, since we love kitty snuggles. As you can see, he's a bit of a chubby guy, so we've been trying to watch his food and make sure he gets exercise. I know not everyone loves cats, but honestly I don't understand why...Moshi is easygoing, chill, loves everybody, and keeps my lap warm. What's not to love?
I'm still working on how to style these jeans I bleached, especially since the stretchiness of the material is not as strong in the very bottom of the leg, and they are a bit loose around the ankle, which bothers me. Rolling them works with certain shoes, and they go nicely with these yellow high tops I got on my honeymoon two years ago and have only worn a handful of times. The bleached look gives me some of the same hesitation of the bleached jacket I also recently acquired. Is the light color meant for spring and summer only? Can I wear it in the fall/winter without looking completely seasonally inappropriate? Good thing I care only a little about such questions, because sometimes and over-examined wardrobe can be worse than an under-examined one. Style should be fun, not work, and while I might take clothing a bit too seriously now and then, I'm always happier when I go with my instinct instead of playing by the "rules."